Main Street Media

Are your website’s social media links broken when viewed on mobile devices?

Linking to social media platforms from a website can sometimes lead to a frustrating experience for mobile users.

Social media presence is vital for businesses today, and integrating it seamlessly into your website can significantly boost engagement and followers. However, the traditional approach of linking to social media platforms in the header or footer of a website can sometimes lead to a frustrating experience for mobile users, particularly when it comes to Facebook links.

On mobile devices, users often prefer accessing social media through apps rather than logging in via a browser. This preference arises from the smoother performance and convenience offered by apps. Unfortunately, clicking on Facebook links via mobile browsers often redirects users to log in through the browser, leading to inconvenience and potential loss of followers due to forgotten passwords or reluctance to log in again.

Fortunately, solutions like offer a simple yet effective remedy. By incorporating URL Genius links or QR codes into your website and promotional materials, social media links are seamlessly directed to launch the respective app instead. This streamlined experience not only enhances user satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of engagement and follower acquisition. offers a range of features, making it a versatile tool for optimizing social media marketing efforts:

  • Event Engagement Tracking: Generate unique QR codes to track engagement at events, providing valuable insights into audience interaction.
  • Branding and Customization: Brand your links and customize QR code designs to align with your brand identity, enhancing recognition and credibility.
  • App Install Boost: Create app banners for your website to encourage app installs, driving further engagement and brand loyalty.

Getting started with is easy and cost-effective. Users can begin adding links for free, with up to 500 clicks included. After 500 clicks, add your credit card information for a nominal fee of 2 cents per click, an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. With $10 providing access to 500 potential Facebook followers, the return on investment is compelling.

To leverage for your social media optimization:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your Facebook link (ensure to include the entire URL)
  3. Customize the link name to reflect its purpose (e.g., event2024)

That’s it! Track clicks, app installs, and explore advanced features within the dashboard to maximize your social media marketing efforts.

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